Friday, November 14, 2008


'Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'
Matthew 11:28-29

Life can throw some tough one's at you. I remember those days when Grandma was in the ICU, on the respirator, and each day was not certain. I was so weary. I didn't know where the tears were coming from. I cried so much, I just knew I didn't have any more left.
The next three weeks proved to be a trying time for me. I struggled with my thoughts, and prayers. Grandma suffered from cardiac arrest, congestive heart failure, and sarcoidosis. I was determined I wasn't going to lose her.
I barely worked, and I missed many classes. I stayed by her side as much as I possibly could. We all did. The ICU waiting room became our new home, and we made friends with many grieving people. Saw some go, and some improve. It proved to be a very trying time.
I hated seeing her like this. I can remember so vividly all the machines, the sounds, and how her chest would rise so quickly and profoundly each time the machine would breathe for her. I remember how each time Meghan and I would both be in her room, we would talk about anything and everything loud enough for her to hear, and her vital signs would always go up. It was the weirdest thing. She loved hearing up talk. She would only do that with us and Dad. He was her baby, that was for sure.
I love to sing, and I believe music is good for your soul, and helps your heart heal. She always loved to hear me sing, so I would go sit in there, and sing every hymn I could think of. Some, over, and over again. I felt close to her when I did that, it comforted me.

Grandma meant the world to me. She was the strongest Christian woman I knew, and she devoted her life to the Lord. I have fond memories of her getting up each morning to read her bible. I would get up to get ready for school, and Grandma would be in her recliner drinking her coffee and reading.
I lived with her for about two years, on and off. I am so thankful for that time I had with her. I learned so much about her, and I was able to strengthen our relationship in many ways. She was a precious gem to my eyes, and I literally thought the world of her. She would do so many special things for me, like Grandmas always do. She will never know the impact she had one me. I love her dearly, and always will.
Grandma had faith like no one I have ever known before. As I continue to tell her story, you will be blown away by her strength and faith in God, even in her last days.
The Lord tells us to come to Him when we are weary. My thoughts, and prayers consumed Him during this time. He was my prime support. Without His love, I wouldn't have been able to get through the trying times we all faced. If we will just submit to His love, He will deal with our troubles. God will help us get through. We are always trying to 'understand' why things are going on. I found myself asking God "why" many times. Why does she have to suffer? Why did this have to happen to her? Why can't you just take her pain away? Why? Why is this happening?
God told me to trust Him. He helped me understand that I wouldn't always understand His reasoning for everything. He wanted me to trust Him, and let His will fall into place.
I love my God, and I learned the hard way how much He loves me.

"We love because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19

* Grandma loved butterflies. That is why there is a butterfly at the beginning of this post. I always think of her when I see one.

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