Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweet Jesus, make me whole again

My life is incomplete, without Him.

God is so good, all the time.

He truly is amazing. Sometimes we just have to look at all the details in life. It's frustrating when you try so hard to see the good in things, but you don't want to see the good in things. Times are hard. Everyday I hear of someone new that has lost their job. I am so thankful to have a job. I don't always enjoy my job, but it pays the bills, and gets me through school.

I have learned to be thankful for those minuscule details in life that often go unnoticed.

Life is so precious.

Every time we take a breath, it is a gift from God. He truly is amazing to put up with the sin man has created over time.

There is so much to life. So many blessings God has placed on this earth. Yet, we often are in such a hurry, we miss some of the most beautiful opportunities.
I was so blessed to have some time outside the other day while it was warm and sunny. We don't seem to get many of those days here lately, but I have grown fond of the rain and storms. They are such beauty that only God himself can create. While I was outside I decided to photograph my puppies, which I so often am doing. I began to notice the flowers that are blooming around Grandpa's yard. I absolutely love flowers. I think they are beautiful and such an amazing addition to this old earth. I began to photograph a tree with blooming white flowers (the picture on my profile title). I was mesmerized at how beautiful my pictures were turning. I couldn't make myself stop taking these pictures. What a way to preserve God's beautiful, articulate work. I soon began to realize how much I take for granted. Just from a simple flower that so often goes unnoticed.

It's funny how God knows exactly how much we can handle. He always knows exactly when and how to get our attention. Just when I don't think I can take anymore, He slaps me across my face and gets my attention.

I have been learning the hard way, that when I mope around and keep myself upset because of the way things are going, I am only creating a wide open door for the devil to enter into my life. What a shame!
I often wonder, why Jennifer, why? Why would you let yourself lose control of things so much, that you allow the devil to creep into your life? Is God not important to you anymore?
Yes, He is important to me! But, when I allow the devil to creep into my life.. I am setting myself up for failure. I am pulling away from God more each and every second that I am in that state of mind.

I know this post is kind of jumbled.. but my thoughts are all over the place right now. I am having a hard time with a lot of things as I have previously mentioned. I am overwhelmed with thoughts regarding my life, and where I stand. I feel led to do a few things, and make a few new decisions. I am not sure if it is God that is leading me to do these things, or if I have allowed the devil to take too much control over my mind. I have really been thinking and especially praying about many things. I beg of anyone who reads my blog to please pray for me. Please pray that I will listen to God with open ears, and that I will be willing to do His will, not mine. Please pray that I accept God's guidance full heartedly, and that I am fulling serving Him at all times. Please pray that I take my time earnestly praying for my concerns, and that I allow God to work in my life without interruption.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me.

-John 14:1

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jesus, Let it Rain...

-"Be strong and take heart, All you who hope in the Lord." 
                                                    Psalm 31:24

I truly am trying so hard to see the good in things. I know God is near, and he is working not only in my life, but my friends.
I have several prayer requests, involving myself, and my dear friends. Times are tough these days.. and my heart is breaking for my friends.

I am also struggling with a few things myself. 

I want Jesus to hold me, and wrap His arms around me.

God is good.

Monday, April 13, 2009

It was but love.....

They nailed Jesus to the cross.

"Father, forgive them, " Jesus gasped. "They don't understand what they are doing."

"You say you have come to rescue us!" people shouted. "But you can't even rescue yourself!"

But they were wrong. Jesus could have rescued himself. A legion of angels would have flown to his side-if he'd called.

"If you were really the Son of God, you could just climb down off that cross!" they said.

And of course they were right. Jesus could have just climbed down. Actually, he could have just said a word and made it all stop. Like when he healed the little girl. And stilled the storm. And fed 5000 people.

But Jesus stayed.

You see, they didn't understand. It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there.

It was love.

Friday, April 10, 2009

All that I am, I give to You

I have decided to shift gears. I haven't written on my blog in quite a while... but I realized that it was not doing me any good to focus on the past. I love my Grandmother dearly, and although her death was hard for me, I should be praising Jesus that she is with Him, and no longer suffering!
Thank you Jesus for helping me realize this!
Things have been hard for me lately.. I need much prayer, and I am working on some life changing things. 
I am having a hard time with my relationship with God.
I have decided to finally re-build it, and become the servant I was intended to be.
Please pray for me, as I try to turn my life around, and learn to put Jesus first again!