Thursday, September 9, 2010

butterfly ♥

- Where to start?

Gosh, it has been a while since I have blogged!

Life has been crazy, as I am sure everyone's has! God is good, though, and I know one thing, I am definitely blessed!

My photography has really taken off a great start! I absolutely LOVE taking pictures, and I really hope that I can open up my own studio one day. I have mainly been doing babies and children, but I had the opportunity to take part in two weddings recently, and I already have one booked for next May!! God is so good, and He always provides when the time is right! I am looking forward to seeing where He is going to take me in this business.

I applied to the LPN program, and unfortunately did not get in. I was a bit sad, but I know God has a plan, and it just wasn't His timing. I plan to retake the PSB exam and hopefully score higher, and I will apply again this January! I appreciate any prayers!!

I am also looking for a car. The old grandma mobile has about had it.. she is on her last leg! I really want something new, and sporty, but I am in no hurry, as I do not want a car payment. :)

My little brother is 14 this year, goodness how time flies. It has really hit me hard lately at how much he has grown up, and how there isn't much time left for me to enjoy him while he is young. I love him to death, and it just tears me up knowing he is in high school!!! I have really been trying to be patient and very loving with him. I want him to grow up knowing his big sister would do anything for him. I love him to pieces!!

I am still dealing with some spiritual issues in my life. I know God will open my eyes and lead me in the direction He has planned for me.

I am really going to try and get back into my blogging! It is such a great outlet!!

These are some of my recent butterfly pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
