Sunday, November 8, 2009

.. grace

Amazing Grace

How sweet the sound

that save a wretch

like me

I once was lost

but now am found

was blind

but now I see

Twas grace that taught

my heart to fear

and grace my fears relieved

how precious did

that grace appear

the hour I first believed

Through many dangers toils and snares

I have already come

T'is grace hath brought

me safe thus far

and grace will lead me home

When we've been there

ten thousand years

bright shining as the sun

we've no less days

to sing God's praise

than when we first begun

Grace, Grace

God's grace

grace that will pardon and cleanse within

grace, grace

God's grace

grace that is greater than all our sins..


..grace can..

It was through the grace of God that we can be saved today. God is awesome, and I am reminded of it everyday.

Especially during this season of fall. All the leaves are dieing, but you know.. God has a special way of making death beautiful. Just as when one of his children die, we can rejoice knowing they are only going to see him. They aren't dieing, they are getting a new body. When the leaves die, they die such a beautiful death. We get to watch all the pretty colors as they change during fall.

I am reminded everyday that God never fails. Here lately things seem to be in the way, and a new obstacle occurs everyday. But, the Lord is always near, and he never leaves me alone. His hand seems to grab mine, when I need him most, and He leads me through the waters.

I am forever thankful for His unending love!

God is good!

God is great!

His love is awesome! And I have been given the chance to proclaim it!!
